Monday, July 30, 2012

In-camera techniques

To create photo impressionistic images, I use the in-camera multiple exposures, dragged shutter exposures and digitally layered photographs techniques, the techniques result the most interesting soft image and also retain the expected colour tones.

Post Impressionism

One of the techniques to create photo impressionistic images is a post production exercise ie using photoshop software. It can be criticized for being contrived, even so I still love the effect. 

Sunday, July 15, 2012


我很欣赏现代印象派水墨画家刘懋善的山水画,他的作品追求朦胧, 景物若隐若现, 韵味无穷.
开始我拍的相片只能用数码技术才能达到朦胧的效果, 一直到看了黄贵权, Anne Staub Sue Robertson 摄影作品后,翻阅了一些这类摄影技术的文章,才开始以树木为题材来练习拍摄, 因为拍树木较易控制,经过几个月的练习,多重曝,慢门摄影和相机抖动的技术上已经能控制.
在无数的拍摄过程中, 我感悟到朦胧的摄影不以拍得逼真为目的.  我尽量拍摄时完成画面,后期在photoshop 只调整反差 , 部分调色的基本放大工作.
However, photography means anticipating, selecting and composing the subject  right  from the start, the only way to do this is to train yourself to think and see by constant  practice.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunday, July 8, 2012